Carolyn, has performed reflexology massages for me on numerous occasions. Each time I’ve gone in, I’ve been way over due. She is professional, kind and compassionate. She is experienced at her craft and ensures a positive outcome, each and everytime.
Carolyn is amazing! In our sessions I feel relaxed, peaceful, calm, centered and restored. Carolyn is especially caring,
and highly knowledgeable, and she truly has the magic touch. As a psychotherapist it’s important that I participate in healthy lifestyle practices so I’m in a good position to help others. Carolyn’s healing services, especially reflexology has become an important part of my efforts to maintain a wellness lifestyle. I’m grateful to her for her beautiful, kind energy and her incredible skill as a healing practitioner. I trust Carolyn and value her work highly, which is why I regularly refer my clients to her practice. I can’t speak more highly of her, and I recommend her most highly.
At Herban Flow, we believe ...Read More
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